About us

Please get in touch if you are interested in our Project.

Prof Hilary Carey

Principal Investigator
Hilary Carey is the British PI for the Global Bible Project. She has written on missionary linguistics in Australia as well as histories of missions to settlers and others in the British world. With Felicity Jensz, she is leading the case of the Arctic Bible, specifically that for Greenlandic.

PD Dr Felicity Jensz

Principal Investigator
PD Dr. Felicity Jensz is the German PI for the GloBil project. Her expertise is in British and German colonial history with a particular focus on Christian missions. With Hilary Carey, she is leading for the case study of the Australian/ Oceanic Bible.

Dr Michael Wandusim

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Michael Wandusim is a postdoctoral research fellow on the Global Bible project at the Centrum für Religion und Moderne / Center for Religion and Modernity University of Münster. He is leading the project case study of the West African Bible (Ghana)

Dr Floris Solleveld

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Floris Solleveld is a Research Associate at University of Bristol, working on 19th-century missionary translation networks and their cultural and linguistic impact. As a postdoc at KU Leuven he investigated the mapping of the world’s languages in the long 19th century; his PhD thesis (Nijmegen, 2018) was about transformations in the humanities around 1800.

Ms Mei Mei Cheung

Project Administrator
Mei Mei Cheung is the project administrator for the Globil Project.

The Global Bible team is supported by an Advisory Board of eminent researchers and archivists.

We are grateful to them for their participation and support:

Professor Dr. Judith Becker, Humboldt University of Berlin

Professor De-Valera N Y M Botchway, Univesity of Cape Coast, Ghana

Dr Onesimus Ngundu, Cambridge University Library, Bible Society collection

Emeritus Professor Brian Stanley. University of Edinburgh

Professor Dr. Holger Strutwolf, University of Münster